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Net Worth exceeded 100 k

Net worth exceed 100 k

I used my free forenoon to calculate our (estimated) net worth.

After calculating the financial assets and liabilities the final number is round about

105300 Euro or 120.047 Dollar (Date: 26.01.2019)

I used the lower price für our real estate from the price spectrum which we could get if we sale our real estates. 
In effect this means our net worth is some thounds euros higher than I had calculated (I estimate about 30.000 Euros or 34000 Dollars) . 

This fact does not matter too much to me because in my opinion the income we generate is more important for me and that our spending is smaller than the income.
Furthermore a big part of the net worth depends on the stock prices.

- Income > spending is more important for me 
Nevertheless I use the net worth to see in which speed our income, saving and investing is helping us go into the right direction and despite we had a lot of expenses: both of our cars could not be repaired economically therefore needed two younger cars, helped relatives and friends out with money and had to renovate a room but which can now be offered for rent.

How important is the net worth for you?


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