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Blog über meine persönlichen Finanzgedanken und Investments. Keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung. Ich bin kein Finanzberater. Ich habe mir das investieren selbst beigebracht. Deswegen analysiert selbst, bevor ihr Geld investiert.
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Blog started (again)
Today I start a blog (again).
The reason is that I can not give all the information sometimes I want to publish for example about my investment research, income, income development etc.I had blogs already in past but did not used them long because there many bloggers out there who can write much better and more than me. Twitter is quite perfect for me because most of the time I do not need to say much.
I am able to put my informations I want to give in small tweets most of the time.
This blog is additional to my Twitter account for informations.
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